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Enter Code “KATEY” for 50% off [$600]

25 years of sales and real estate leadership compressed into 8 one-hour sessions to increase Realtor partnerships while having fun!

Class format:

  • Zoom meeting with sessions recorded
  • In alignment with company goals
  • Collaborate with marketing and sales leadership for customized training
  • Simple homework for each module
  • Private Facebook Community for collaboration
  • FUN Factor!

Class modules:

  1. Closed mouth don’t get fed (mindset)
  2. Whatever I ask of life I will get! (Vision statement)
  3. Does the Audio match the video?  (Business planning)
  4. Time blocking is your friend (perfect week)
  5. How to speak Realtor (scripts & objection handling)
  6. Five steps to a killer sales presentation
  7. How to make the phone ring (lead generation)
  8. Let’s have a Party!  (Open houses)

Connections and Commisions
